Upcoming Performances

Our concerts can be booked using the online links below, however if you would like to make enquiries about any of our concerts, please telephone our box office on 07849 675 627 or get in touch with us here.

An Evening with the Surrey Police Band

Saturday 15th March 2025, 7PM
Emmanuel Church, Stoughton, Guildford GU2 9SJ

Tickets: £10.00 for the annual  concert in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care.

Door open 30 minutes prior to the performance.

Parking is free in the roads around the Church, please allow time to find a space.

Book your tickets here! or call the Box Office on 0333 666 3366


VE Day Concert

Sunday 22nd June 2025, 7PM
Godalming Borough Hall, Bridge Street, Godalming GU7 1HR

Concert in aid of the Army Benevolant Fund, this year to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day.

Door open 6:30PM

Free parking in Waitrose Car Park opposite the hall.

Booking information to follow.


A Night at the Proms

Saturday 27th September 2025, 7PM
Normandy Village Hall, Normandy, Surrey GU3 2DD

Annual concert in aid of the Chief Constables chosen charity, an entertaining evening of music with a traditional flag waving finale.

Door & licensed bar open 30 minutes prior to the performance.

Free Parking.

Book your tickets here! or call the Box Office on 0333 666 3366


Poppy Appeal Concert

2025 date to be announced, 7:30PM
Lakeside Country 
Club, Wharf Road, Frimley Green GU16 6PT 

Annual Poppy Appeal Concert to launch the start of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Door open 30 minutes prior to the performance.

Free Parking & licensed bar

Booking information to follow

Christmas Concerts (matinée & evening)

Sunday 14th December 2025, 3pm & 7pm
Normandy Villag
e Hall, Guildford GU3 2DD

Our ever popular Christmas concerts feature all your festive favourites, plus plenty of new arrangements and carols – bring along your best voices!

Our fantastic fundraising raffle will be back, with brilliant prizes donated by local businesses, and we might even get a visit from Father Christmas!

Our bar will open from 30 minutes prior to each performance, where you will be able to purchase mulled wine.  A range of soft drinks will also be available.

Free Parking

Book your tickets here for the Matinée 3PM or here for the Evening 7PM – or call the Box Office on: 0333 666 3366